life's little surprises

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


As always, I like to start the year right by jotting down my new year's resolutions. Others may think it's too cliche but this really works for me. I don't want to list down my last year's goals but I am proud to say that almost all have been accomplished! (Applause! Applause!) Yeah, yeah except for that one...that one big goal. My closest friends know what I'm talking about so no need to publish that. =P

So a few of my goals for this year are the following:

1. Exercise and keep myself healthy - no more fractures or dizzy spells please.
2. Learn and practice how to cook like mom.
3. De-clutter my room (shared with my sister) on a quarterly basis
4. Think positive - this will always be included in my yearly list. Yes it's one of my mantras.
5. Take risks - am I ready for this? Remember philo - lundagin mo beybe!
6. Secret resolution # 1 - to be revealed on Dec 31, 2006.
7. Secret resolution # 2 - to be revealed if I have accomplished it.
8. Help the ones who need help.
9. Thank Him for the blessings and share these blessings to others.
10. (I leave this blank as I am sure I will think of something new to add within the year. This will be null for now.)

Looking forward to the year of my Peachy.


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