life's little surprises

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Facts about today:

1. 26 years ago, my mom gave birth to me and almost got blind because of the anesthesia. Thankfully, the doctors were able to prevent it.
2. It is also my "bestest" friend's birthday - Happy Birthday to us Ma-an!
3. It is also my colleague Philip's birthday - Happy Birthday Phil!
4. It is also the birth date of Candida Maria de Jesus, the nun who founded the school where I spent 13 years of my education.
5. Today, I woke up with the sun's rays on my face and flowers near my bed.
6. I was able to drive again...but my license expires today and offline ang system ng tomorrow, I need a driver!
7. I feel loved.

Facts about me:

1. I love wearing pajamas and cannot sleep without a blanket.
2. I have been almost-in-love or semi-in-love a lot of times but never been truly, madly, deeply in love with someone... always pigil...always mind over heart.
3. I cannot survive one day without drinking coffee...gourmet, instant, doesn't matter as long as it tastes and smells like coffee.
4. I have no allergies to any kind of food.
5. I always sing while driving.
6. I am very fickle-minded (and this applies to mind can change in 1 millisecond and can change again in the next half-a-millisecond).
7. I can never play any type of sport. I always get tired easily...maybe because I'm anemic.
8. I love the beach but don't know how to swim. I love to travel but don't know how to ride a bicycle.
9. My fracture-dot-scars turn red whenever I drink alcohol.
10. I wear my watch on my right wrist.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I accidentally deleted all the pictures...arggghhhh...
I thought I've learned my lesson after the hard disk crashed last year...
I have the solution but I have to wait...arggghhhh....

Friday, May 26, 2006

Last Goodbye

I hate goodbyes. For one thing, I don't even know why there's something "good" in saying farewell to someone or something. I remembered that one colleague of mine was searching for the etymology of the word but could not find any. I decided to come up with my own explanation:

GOODBYE is a compound word having the words GOOD and BYE. Indirectly, these two words are opposites. Good is something that is remarkably wonderful while bye is an expression of farewell.

How can saying farewell be wonderful? Goodbyes have always been sad and poignant. They have been attributed with melancholic instrumental songs and unending stream of tears. Even more heart-wrenching are unexpected, forced, or unlikely goodbyes. These are the ones that either allow the person to say what they really mean to say or to avoid saying anything. I hate goodbyes because it's simply saying that it's the end. That's it. Deal with it.

But I will choose not to be content with that. I believe that there's really something good in goodbye. The French phrase for goodbye is au revoir - literally it means: until we meet again. That's the explanation that I am choosing. Farewell does not have to always mean that it's the end because there can always be a sequel, or a new chapter, or a new episode. When I said goodbye to you, what I really mean to say is that I know we will meet again.

Note: I looked for the word's origin and found this: Goodbye comes from "God be with ye". Interesting.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Good things usually come out of bad things. My flight was delayed for half an hour. I've read all the Time magazines I've brought and my laptop had no extra battery. With nothing to do, I sat and did a lot of thinking. Pondering about my life I finally made some guesses, some analyses, and finally a conclusion.

Eureka! I have finally decided to do what I really wanted to do. This is the only way that I will learn and grow. The decision is hard but I know in the end it will be all worth it. It's not an instantaneous thing so anything can happen. But for now, I am heading toward this goal.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Seasons & People people...come and go. Different seasons represent different events in our lives and there are people who are there only for a season. The only difference between a season and a person is that no matter what happens, that season will come. People, on the other hand, may be there one day but choose not to return again.

I guess the lesson for us is to cherish every moment with a person and keep those memories. And when that season comes again, you will be reminded to make the most out of it.

I am humming a song from the play RENT and I believe that one can really measure life by the moments that take our breath away. These moments are the extraordinary ones which are appreciated the most. daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee... inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife...

I accept that there are sad and happy moments. I am actually trying my best to be thankful for those sad and not-so-good events that have happened because they have paved the way for me to really appreciate and be more grateful for the happy moments. In the same manner, they have given me hope --- hope that laughter will be experienced again.

...the space between the tears we cry is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more... (Dave Matthews Band)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wedding, fireworks, espresso

Once in your life, you will find someone who's right for you right now. Significant factors prevent you from being at the right place all the time. But when you are both at the right place, the world conspires. The world creates a wedding in the street with people dancing to the beat of drums and trumpets. The world lights up fireworks to celebrate happy events and share this happiness to everyone. The world then serves you everything on a silver platter.

Everything is seemingly perfect until you wake up from that dream and realize that it's time to snap back to reality. It's now time to drink that single shot of espresso to jolt your senses.

You then realize that life is too complicated and you are now unsure if you want to add any more complexities.
You then think that life's mysteries never fail to amaze you because some things are just unfathomable.
You then feel that questioning nerve creeping up and trying to free itself to torment you.
You are then grateful for that chance and silently hope that the world will once again be good to both of you.

By the time you finished drinking the coffee (it's already cold but you still drank it), you have finally come to the conclusion that there is a reason for all of these. The important thing is never to forget these moments because one day you will finally understand the purpose.